Medical Team Communication App- Bootcamp Project

The process behind a new function on a medical documentation app to allow ease in communication between teams

  • The Challenge

    The Vitality and Well-Being team at a senior living facility had a disruption in communication due to COVID restrictions on in person meetings. I worked with the users (doctors, physical therapists, exercise physiologists) to understand their communication breakdown and came up with a solution to promote more communication with the medical team.

  • Skills used

    Methodology: Design Sprint

    Technology: Figma

    Research: user survey, user interviews, survey tools, A B testing, competitor analysis

    Tasks: personas, user stories, user flows. branding, wireframes, prototypes

  • Results

    A simple note function similar to email to alert pertinent care providers in changes in patients or need for team collaboration. Better communication lead to better patient care

User Research

During the User Research phase, I learned about key players on the medical team to find actionable insights.

The big takeaways were:

  • Clinicians needed a mobile function to send notes on the go instead of just using the desktop

  • Clinicians needed a function to directly communicate with members of the interdisciplinary team


User personas developed from research


Exercise Physiologist journey map from working with client to communicating with the team

Information Architecture


The research lead to an actionable insight: the communication path needed to be clear from any team member to another, this needed to be reflected in the user flow


How Might We

Before sketching, the team brainstormed some HMW questions to identify possible MVP’s and define the scope of the design sprint


Sketching helped to define the scope and determine the MVP of this design sprint


Once the MVP was defined as a mobile communication function between departments, a story board was developed to visualize and empathize with the user


User Flows

User Story 1: As a clinician, I want to send my notes to the team, so we can have clear and efficient communication


User Story 2: As a clinician, I want to reply to notes, so we can have clear communication


Mock Ups

Initial mock ups and iterations of the home screen to decide on the most important functions

Iterations of note screen and notes on inspiration for the layout style


Final iteration of the home screen for this design sprint round


The app kept on brand with healthcare by having a clean and streamlined look with touches of blue to spark feelings of joy and well being

Prototyping and User Testing

I built a prototype, tested it with our users and updated accordingly. After gaining user feedback, I revised the note saved alert to be more validating for the user. Accessibility was tested for contrast and screen readers. The majority of the users agreed that the app was useful and solved their problem. Some requested further validation of the note sending so the note sent screen was developed in place of a note sent ribbon.



Keeping all users at the forefront of our design, we added accessibility features such as labels for screen reader and a color blind and contrast testing


Final Thoughts

  • High Points

    I got to collaborate and learn from insightful healthcare professionals who lead use to a solution

  • Lessons Learned

    Sketching design sprint style helps to keep momentum going and is really fun

  • Takeaways

    Keep the user at the forefront, don’t reinvent the wheel, simple practical solutions work!


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